Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Bilbo's Growth

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: explain how someone can grow in virtue and wisdom.

Reading: We are currently reading The Hobbit. You should be at page 153 by end of today.


  1. Take the quiz for chapter 6 of the book.
  2. Discuss Bilbo's interaction with Gollum. What are we to make of Gollum? How does he relate to beauty? 
    1. Analyzing Bilbo's first solo challenge. 
    2. Make three columns: what? so what? and Now, what. 
      1. In the what column, list the challenges that Bilbo faces in his interaction with Gollum. 
      2. In the so what column, identify the effect each challenge has on Bilbo. How does he have to grow? 
      3. In the now what column, explain how this growth will help him in future challenges. 
    3. Write a short paragraph that explains how Bilbo grows in his interaction with Gollum. 
      1. Topic sentence 
      2. Quote with page number for evidence 
      3. This evidence shows 
      4. Consequently if 
      5. Therefore, due to the fact that
  3. Complete the Gimkit for chapter 6. It will show up when you login to Gimkit.
The Hobbit Reading Schedule:


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Quest

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: explain how someone can grow in virtue and wisdom.

Reading: We are currently reading The Hobbit. You should be at page 83 by end of today.


  1. How to make annotations for the book. Create two-column notes. One column is called Notice and the other column is called Question.
    1. Here is a list of question stems you can use to help you write your own questions.
    2. Five notes for chapter 1
    3. Two for chapter 2
    4. One for chapter 3
    5. Three for chapter 4
    6. Four for chapter 5
  2. Finish beauty lecture.
  3. Quiz on chapter 1 and 2.
  4. Iron chef presentation. Use this template.
    1. Partner one: What are the steps of the quest that the dwarves are planning? (at least seven to ten). 
    2. Partner two: What is Bilbo’s role in the quest? Describe in detail what he must do. What do his Took and Baggins sides think of the quest? 
    3. Partner three: What are the differing opinions of Bilbo? His own, the dwarves, Gandalf? Find quotes for each opinion. 
    4. Secret ingredient: Each person must include something from one of the lectures on his or her slide.
The Hobbit Reading Schedule:


Monday, October 7, 2024

Beauty Lecture

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: explain how someone can grow in virtue and wisdom.

Reading: We are currently reading The Hobbit. You should be at page 73 by end of today.


  1. How to make annotations for the book. Create two-column notes. One column is called Notice and the other column is called Question.
    1. Here is a list of question stems you can use to help you write your own questions.
    2. Four notes for chapter 1
    3. Two for chapter 2
    4. One for chapter 3
    5. One for chapter 4
    6. Three for chapter 5
  2. Lecture #2 - Beauty and The Hobbit


Friday, October 4, 2024

Getting out of comfort zone

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: explain how someone can grow in virtue and wisdom.

Reading: We are currently reading The Hobbit. You should be at page 33 by end of today.


  1. How to make annotations for the book. Create two-column notes. One column is called Notice and the other column is called Question.
    1. Here is a list of question stems you can use to help you write your own questions.
    2. Five notes for chapter 1
    3. Two for chapter 2
    4. One for chapter 3
    5. Three for chapter 4
    6. Four for chapter 5
  2. The beginning of the adventure. Let's dive into chapter one.
    1. Collect quotes with page numbers of how Gandalf and the dwarves shake things up for Bilbo. Complete the following sentences: Gandalf promotes growth in __ by ___ in order to ___. The dwarves also shake things up for Bilbo by....Bilbo must decide whether to...
    2. We will watch part of the movie to help you visualize what is happening in the book.

  1. The Hobbit 1-5 Gimkit Farmchain assignment. It is due by Sunday at 9PM.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Beginning to Analyze Chapter One

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: explain how someone can grow in virtue and wisdom.

Reading: We are currently reading The Hobbit. You should be at page 33 by end of today.


  1. Calculate daily reading goal.
  2. How to make annotations for the book.
    1. Challenges, Hardships, Strength, Took, Baggins, Adventure, Mentor, Wisdom, Courage, Justice, Self-control, etc.
      1. How does overcoming...change [character]?
      2. What kinds of strength does [character] display when...?
      3. What is the role of courage when [character] decides to...?
      4. In what ways does [character] balance risk and comfort when...?
      5. What qualities make [mentor figure] an effective guide for [hero/character]?
      6. Why is self-control important when...?
      7. How does losing self-control when...effect...?
      8. Start questions with why or how
      9. Compare two characters or events. How to...?
      10. Was [character]'s decision to...the right decision or were there other options?
      11. How does [character]'s choice to...resonate with challenges you've faced?
  3. The beginning of the adventure. Let's dive into chapter one.
    1. Collect quotes with page numbers of how Gandalf shakes things up for characters. Complete the following sentence: Gandalf promotes growth in __ by ___ in order to ___.
    2. Write down the names of the dwarves mentioned so far in the book. Choose the four you think are most important. Create a symbol for each of the four dwarves and tell why it fits. For example, "Thorin is a ___ because___"
    3. Create a diagram of the quest that the dwarves present to Bilbo. Make sure you include all of the steps on the quest. What Tookish thing awakens in Bilbo?

  1. The Hobbit 1-5 Gimkit Farmchain assignment. It is due by Sunday at 9PM.