Monday, January 30, 2023


Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?
Learning Target: 
Daily Writing: 

  1. If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
  2. Reading progress form
  3. Watch the stage version of 2.2
    1. Success criteria
      1. I can explain why the conversation between Lysander and Hermia is awkward.
      2. I can explain what mistake Puck makes.
      3. I can explain why this scene is so humorous.
      4. I can guess why Helena thinks that Lysander is playing a trick on her.
  4. Finish your one-pager assignment.
    1. You will choose one of the main characters from the play for this assignment.
      1. Theseus, Hippolyta, Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius, Helena, Oberon, Titania, or Puck.
    2. Take out a piece of paper and draw a giant Z
    3. At the top of the Z write the character's name.
    4. On the left hand side of the Z write down three quotes with a citation that demonstrate how this characters usually acts in the play.
    5. On the right hand side of the Z, draw a picture of the character or draw/trace five symbols for the character.
  1. Homework:
  1. MSND Act III vocabulary It is due by Sunday at 9 p.m. You will turn in a screenshot of your finished assignment on Google Classroom.


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