Monday, March 20, 2023

3 Levels Activity

Big Idea: What is the age of responsibility?
Learning Target: Analyze a complex text by paraphrasing it at three different levels.

  1. We will practice chunking complex sentences.
    1. At 23, police officer Justin McNaull could pursue lawbreakers at 100 MPH but couldn’t rent a car. This is one example of the contradictory, confusing expectations states often place on young people when it comes to age and responsibility.
    2. State and local governments contribute to the problem of establishing a single age of responsibility with inconsistent laws, and those laws are being questioned.
    3. Choose a complex sentence from the primary source about the open door policy for China.
  2. To work on your comprehension of a complex text, you will explain it at three levels. To explain something at different levels you have to adjust your language to make it comprehensible to your audience.
    1. First we will watch an episode of a series produced by Wired called Five Levels. An expert in her field will explain a complex concept at five different levels.
    2. What did the expert do at each level to make the concepts comprehensible to the audience?
    3. You will choose a section of the article and rewrite it at three different levels.
      1. For a five year old
      2. For a twelve year old
      3. For a fifteen year old
      4. You will create a slide deck with one to three slides for each level.
      5. You will record yourself presenting your slides and the text that you wrote.
  1. Homework:
  1. Core Academic Vocabulary List #2 It is due by Sunday at 9 p.m. You will turn in a screenshot of your finished assignment on Google Classroom.


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