Friday, August 11, 2023

First Day

Big Idea: Ideology, utopia, and the imagination

Nuance Academy: none

After today I should be able to: find the agenda for this class and access Google Classroom.

Reading: Finish two books of your choice by October 1st.


  1. Find your seat and complete the Rare Birds.
  2. First Day of School slides
  3. Sign in to Google Classroom and bookmark the blog
  4. Briefly go over the syllabus.
  5. Why are you at BMCHS?
    1. Write a letter about your reasons for coming and what you hope to get out of being at the middle college.
      1. Be around students who care
      2. smaller campus overall
      3. smaller classes and better access to teacher support
    2. You can have three sections to your letter.
      1. Who I am and my experience at BHS
      2. Why I am at BMCHS
      3. What I hope to gain over the next three years

  1. None

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