Thursday, August 17, 2023

Harrison Bergeron Day 1

Big Idea: Ideology, utopia, and imagination

Nuance Academy: Infinitive clauses

After today I should be able to: annotate a short story and participate in a discussion.

Reading: You should have two books read by October 1st.


  1. Write 10 infinitive clauses.
    1. Start with an infinitive clause. An infinitive clause tells why the action of the verb occurs. Start with the infinitive clause and follow it with an independent clause.
      1. Loose sentence:
        1. Mr. White carefully planned the stages of his essay, and then he wrote it.
      2. Infinitive clause
        1. To write a good essay, Mr. White needed to plan carefully.
        2. Think about a goal that the subject has and then write what they need to do to achieve that goal.
          1. Goal: to write a good essay
          2. Action: Mr. White needed to plan carefully
  2. Begin reading "Harrison Bergeron." Divide it into sections and look for:
    1. Contrasts and Contradictions
      1. A character thinks and behaves in a way that we don't expect.
      2. An element of a setting is something we would not expect.
      3. Question: Why did...How can this help us understand or predict...?
    2. Patterns
      1. A word is repeated again and again
      2. An idea is repeated again and again (but with different words, i.e. war, battle, fighting, etc.)
      3. An image is repeated several times
      4. An action keeps happening
      5. Really, anything that gets repeated throughout the book can possibly be a pattern.
      6. Question: Why is the author continually bringing up...?

  1. Work on your first vocabulary list. It is due by Sunday at 9PM.
  2. Read your independent reading book.

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