Friday, August 25, 2023

Myth and Epic Day 4

Big Idea: Ideology, utopia, and imagination

Nuance Academy: Past Participle Phrase

After today I should be able to: annotate a myth and epic,  and participate in a discussion.

Reading: You should have two books read by October 1st.


  1. Write a loose sentence and then rewrite that sentence 7 different ways. Do this twice.
    1. Start with a loose sentence.
      1. Mr. White carefully planned the stages of his essay, and then he rewrote it.
    2. Rewrite it beginning with the seven patterns we have learned so far.
  2.  You need to read the Norse myth and Greek epic selections by Friday.
    1. You need to divide each selection in parts, at least a beginning, middle, and end.
    2. You must annotate the text.
      1. Use the notice and note strategies we have been practicing. Underline the text you noticed and write a question.
        1. Epiphany
          1. A character or group of characters suddenly understands something.
          2. For example, "In an instant I knew..."
          3. Question: How might the realization that...change...?
        2. Tough Question
          1. When the characters ask a question that either they or you don't know the answer to.
            1. This questions makes we wonder if...
        3. Contrasts and Contradictions
          1. A character thinks and behaves in a way that we don't expect.
          2. An element of a setting is something we would not expect.
          3. Question: Why did...How can this help us understand or predict...?
        4. Patterns
          1. A word is repeated again and again
          2. An idea is repeated again and again (but with different words, i.e. war, battle, fighting, etc.)
          3. An image is repeated several times
          4. An action keeps happening
          5. Really, anything that gets repeated throughout the book can possibly be a pattern.
          6. Question: Why is the author continually bringing up...?
      2. You must also put a question mark next to parts of the text that confused you.
  3. You will work on the Norse myth and Greek epic background assignments in Google Classroom. You will take notes on them in preparation for our first binder check next week.

  1. Work on your vocabulary list #2. It is due by Sunday at 9PM.
  2. Read your independent reading book.

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