Monday, September 18, 2023

Synthesis Essay Day 6

Big Idea: Ideology, utopia, and imagination

After today I should be able to: break down a prompt and brainstorm ideas

Reading: You should have two books read by October 1st.


  1. Create your new vocabulary list. Use words from the I-J list from the Big Book of Words.
  2. Yesterday, we started reading the sources and looking for ideas for our essay. Today we will
    1. Here are a sample of quotes to use in your essay.
    2. We will use these templates to write the commentary portion of our paragraphs.
      1. Sample quote: "The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said"
        1. Commentary Sentence 1: This evidence suggests that effective communication in a relationship requires listening for implied meanings because it points to the importance of understanding a partner's unspoken feelings and needs.
        2. Commentary Sentence 2: Consequently, if couples do not pick up on each other's subtle cues, they will likely encounter conflict since failing to grasp nuances can lead to misunderstandings.
        3. Commentary Sentence 3: Therefore, due to the fact that perceiving unexpressed emotions and ideas is an important aspect of communication, it reveals that relationships require reading between the lines to foster mutual comprehension and intimacy.
      2. Sample quote: "Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair"
        1. Commentary Sentence 1: This evidence confirms the idea that trust is delicate yet critical in a relationship because it highlights how easily trust can be damaged and difficult it is to restore once lost.
        2. Commentary Sentence 2: Consequently, if one partner violates the other's trust, it can rupture the relationship since the betrayal may cause lasting hurt that makes regaining confidence in the relationship challenging.
        3. Commentary Sentence 3: Therefore, due to the fact trust is fragile and important, it suggests that maintaining trust through honest communication and reliability is essential for a healthy, lasting relationship.
      3. Synthesis Essay Conclusions
  1. Work on your I-J vocabulary list. It is due by Sunday at 9PM.
  2. Read your independent reading book.

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