Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Hobbit chapter 1

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: analyze the characters and events mentioned in chapter 1.

Reading: Today you should be on page 33.


  1. The beginning of the adventure. Let's dive into chapter one.
    1. Create a diagram of the quest that the dwarves present to Bilbo.
      1. Draw a small hobbit house and then a path leading to a mountain.
      2. Along the path list the steps of the quest.
      3. Off to the side include the key people, skills needed, history of the quest, and the goal.
  2. Quiz on chapter 1 and possible game
  3. Begin working on annotations for the book. You can keep them on paper or use sticky notes.
  4. Z-One pager about the lecture on adventure in The Hobbit.
The Hobbit Reading Schedule:

  1. The Hobbit Chapters 1 and 2. It is due by Sunday at 9PM.
  2. Read your independent reading book.

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