Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Appeal of Christianity

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: explain why Christianity would be appealing to characters in the novel.

Reading: Read TFA for 10 minutes.


  1. List the aspects of Igbo culture that the novel presents positively.
  2. List the aspects of Igbo culture that the novel presents negatively.
  3. List the aspects of Igbo culture that make Christianity appealing to particular groups within the tribe.
  4. Write a letter from Nwoye to his father that has three parts:
    1. The nature of their relationship
    2. Positive aspects of his upbringing
    3. Why he is attracted to Christianity
  5. Digital version of the novel
Things Fall Apart Reading Schedule:
  • Week 10 (3/27 - 3/31) TFA chapters 1-6
  • Week 11 (4/10 - 4/14) TFA chapters 7-11
  • Week 12 (4/17 - 4/21) TFA chapters 12-17
  • Week 13 (4/24 - 4/28) TFA chapters 18-25


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