Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I See Dead People

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

Nuance Academy: Adjective clause

After today I should be able to:

Reading: finish one book by September 23rd; extra bonus if you finish two books.


  1. Write 10 sentences that start with an adjective clause (an appositive). 
    1. Start with a loose sentence. 
      1. Mr. White carefully planned the stages of his essay, and then he rewrote it. 
    2. Rewrite it starting with an adjective clause. Start with subject, then include a WHO or WHICH phrase. 
      1. Mr. White, WHO was known for meticulous preparation, carefully planned each stage of the essay. 
    3. Here are some more examples. You can use these ideas, but change them to make your own sentence. 
      1. Jane, who forgot her coat, pulled her sweater tighter around her. 
      2. Tom, who stayed up late studying, hoped he would pass the test. 
      3. The crystal vase, which sat on the table, sparkled beautifully in the light. 
      4. Mike, who was prone to seasonal allergies, reached for a tissue. 
      5. Sarah, who practiced for months, accepted the trophy for first place with pride. 
      6. The puppy, who loved going for walks, waited eagerly by the door with excitement. 
      7. The thick steaks, which were marinated in spices, filled the backyard with an amazing aroma as they sizzled on the grill. 
      8. The snake, which was hunting for prey, slithered silently through the grass across the yard. 
      9. The bus, which narrowly avoided an accident, screeched to a halt just in time.
  2. Read The Odyssey and describe the people he meets from the dead.
    1. Who is this person? What do we learn about his or her life? What does Odysseus learn from this person? Find an image. Include one quote from the text. Look up extra information about the person. Use the Oxford Classical Dictionary or Wikipedia
    2. Elpenor, 11.57
    3. Tiresias, 11.99-135; 
    4. Tiresias 11.136-169
    5. Mom 11.170-210; 
    6. Mom 11.211-245
    7. Agamemnon 11.436-470; 
    8. Agamemnon 11.471-492; 
    9. Agamemnon 11.493-527
    10. Achilles 11.528-553; 
    11. Achilles 11.554-600
    12. Epicaste 11.307-318
    13. Pause in the story, 11.378-410
    14. Pause in the story, 11.411-432
  3. Connect to the list of ideas
    1. Create open ended questions based on one or more ideas from the list.
    1. Odyssey vocabulary, books 8-13
    2. 10 adjective clauses

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