Thursday, September 19, 2024

Horror Synthesis Day 3

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: break down a topic and read the sources to find important information.

Reading: You should have two books read by October 1st.


  1. Vocabulary review game.
  2. Today we will write our introduction.
    1. General statement about horror films.
    2. Two sentences about how and why people view horror films for entertainment.
    3. Write your thesis statement
      1. Commercializing fear and horror negatively influences
      2. Commercializing fear and horror is beneficial
    4. Write the topic sentences that identify the idea you will focus on in the paragraph and what types of evidence you will use.
      1. Studies that focus on teen and adult behaviors seem to suggest that...
      1. Add the name and the credentials of the person providing the evidence. 
      2. Sharon Smith, a psychology professor at Berkeley, states that "QUOTE." 
      3. A study from Stanford university found "QUOTE."
    6. End with your commentary sentences
      1. Commentary Sentence 1: This evidence suggests that effective communication in a relationship requires listening for implied meanings because it points to the importance of understanding a partner's unspoken feelings and needs. 
      2. Commentary Sentence 2: Consequently, if couples do not pick up on each other's subtle cues, they will likely encounter conflict since failing to grasp nuances can lead to misunderstandings. 
      3. Commentary Sentence 3: Therefore, due to the fact that perceiving unexpressed emotions and ideas is an important aspect of communication, it reveals that relationships require reading between the lines to foster mutual comprehension and intimacy.
    7. Find quotes from each source.
  1. Fishtopia SAT vocabulary list. It is due by Sunday at 9PM.
  2. Read your independent reading book.

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