Friday, October 4, 2024

Getting out of comfort zone

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: explain how someone can grow in virtue and wisdom.

Reading: We are currently reading The Hobbit. You should be at page 33 by end of today.


  1. How to make annotations for the book. Create two-column notes. One column is called Notice and the other column is called Question.
    1. Here is a list of question stems you can use to help you write your own questions.
  2. The beginning of the adventure. Let's dive into chapter one.
    1. Collect quotes with page numbers of how Gandalf and the dwarves shake things up for Bilbo. Complete the following sentences: Gandalf promotes growth in __ by ___ in order to ___. The dwarves also shake things up for Bilbo by....Bilbo must decide whether to...
    2. We will watch part of the movie to help you visualize what is happening in the book.

  1. The Hobbit 1-5 Gimkit Farmchain assignment. It is due by Sunday at 9PM.

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