Monday, February 3, 2025

Forming Acting Groups

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: What is happening on the island in Act III?

Reading: You will read one book by February 10th.


  1. Look at this map for the plot of the play.
  2. Create your new vocabulary list.
  3. Watch the final part of Act III.
  4. Take a quiz on Act III.
  5. Form acting groups.
    1. The Marriage scene (5) 4.1.1-59, 102-135
    2. Stefano, Trinculo, and Caliban (5) 4.1.139-264
    3. Prospero and Ariel (2) 5.1.1-31, 57-85, 95-103
    4. Prospero confronts Gonzalo (5) 5.1.121-240
    5. Prospero confronts the betrayers (5) 5.1.239-311


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