Monday, February 24, 2025

Literary Analysis Day 1

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: annotate a short story, marking shifts and describing what I learn from the shifts

Reading: You will read one book by February 10th.


  1. Read the short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.
    1. Mark the shifts in the short story.
    2. On the left hand side, mark the literary elements in each section.
    3. On the right hand side, describe what you learn from each shift.
  2. Sentence Pattern Practice. Write five of your own sentences that fit this pattern.
    1. Weak: The character is sad. "I feel so alone" (Miller 25).
    2. Claim + Embedded Evidence: Willy Loman's profound isolation is evident in his despairing cry, "I feel so alone" (Miller 25).
    3. Weak: The author uses metaphors. "Life is a broken-winged bird" (Hughes line 2).
    4. Claim + Embedded Evidence: Hughes utilizes the metaphor "life is a broken-winged bird" (line 2) to convey the fragility and limitations imposed on dreams.
    5. Weak: The imagery is dark. "Shadows stretched across the room" (Bronte 100).
    6. Claim + Embedded Evidence: Bronte establishes a somber atmosphere through vivid imagery, such as "shadows stretched across the room" (Bronte100), suggesting a sense of foreboding.
  1. Tenth Grade vocabulary assignment on Gimkit. You will find it on Google Classroom. You will have a test on Friday. It will be due on Sunday by 9 PM.

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