Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?
After today I should be able to: write a thesis statement that identifies literary elements and states an interpretation of the short story's meaning.
Reading: You will read one book by February 10th.
- Vocabulary Review game
- Thesis statement that identifies the text, the literary elements, and
- Sentence Pattern Practice. Write five of your own sentences that fit this pattern.
- Weak: The author uses symbolism. The dove is a symbol of peace.
- Analysis of Literary Device: Symbolism, such as the recurring image of the white dove, functions to represent the protagonist's yearning for peace amidst the surrounding conflict.
- Weak: There is irony. It's ironic because he says the opposite of what he means.
- Analysis of Literary Device: Dramatic irony, evident when the audience knows Oedipus is the murderer he seeks, highlights the tragic nature of fate and the protagonist's blindness to his own truth.
- Tenth Grade vocabulary assignment on Gimkit. You will find it on Google Classroom. You will have a test on Friday. It will be due on Sunday by 9 PM.
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