Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Literary Analysis Day 3

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: write a thesis statement that identifies literary elements and states an interpretation of the short story's meaning.

Reading: You will read one book by February 10th.


  1. Vocabulary Review game
  2. Thesis statement that identifies the text, the literary elements, and
  3. Sentence Pattern Practice. Write five of your own sentences that fit this pattern.
    1. Weak: The author uses symbolism. The dove is a symbol of peace.
    2. Analysis of Literary Device: Symbolism, such as the recurring image of the white dove, functions to represent the protagonist's yearning for peace amidst the surrounding conflict.
    3. Weak: There is irony. It's ironic because he says the opposite of what he means.
    4. Analysis of Literary Device: Dramatic irony, evident when the audience knows Oedipus is the murderer he seeks, highlights the tragic nature of fate and the protagonist's blindness to his own truth.
  1. Tenth Grade vocabulary assignment on Gimkit. You will find it on Google Classroom. You will have a test on Friday. It will be due on Sunday by 9 PM.

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