Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Reading Part 2 of Oedipus the King

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

Learning Target: Identify an example of Dramatic Irony in the play Oedipus the King. Dramatic Irony is when we understand something that the characters don't understand yet.

Daily Writing: Brain dump. Write as much as you can in ten minutes. You are trying to increase your word count.

  1. Review the two speeches from yesterday.
    1. First partner discussion
      1. Jocasta received a message from the oracle that Laius would be killed by...but instead Laius was killed by...
      2. In response, Jocasta and Laius...the young child's ankles and left him....Therefore the son would never...
    2. Second Partner discussion
      1. Oedipus is not from Thebes but from...A drunk man said that Oedipus was not his father's...and in response Oedipus felt...
      2. Oedipus went to the Oracle which told him that he would...his mother and...his father, and therefore Oedipus decided to....
    3. Both partners together
      1. Putting these two stories together, Oedipus begins to suspect that...
  2. Read, paraphrase, and create questions for the next part of the play
    1. I will model for you how to paraphrase and create questions.
    2. Think of PoC as point of confusion, clarification, or concern.
      1. I don't understand...
      2. Is it really saying that...
      3. I am not sure what to think about...
  3. In a group of three, read 2.43 - 2.107
    1. for page 704 write a two sentence paraphrase
    2. for page 705 write a three sentence paraphrase
    3. create a discussion questions using your bookmark
    4. label a PoC
      1. Think of PoC as point of confusion, clarification, or concern.
        1. I don't understand...
        2. Is it really saying that...
        3. I am not sure what to think about...
  4. In a group of two, read 2.115 - 2.187
    1. write a three sentence summary for each page
    2. create a discussion question using your bookmark
    3. label a PoC
      1. Think of PoC as point of confusion, clarification, or concern.
        1. I don't understand...
        2. Is it really saying that...
        3. I am not sure what to think about...
  5. What do we understand that the characters don't fully understand yet?

  1.  None

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