Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Horrible Realization of the Truth

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

Learning Target: Identify an example of Dramatic Irony in the play Oedipus the King. Dramatic Irony is when we understand something that the characters don't understand yet.

Daily Writing: Picture writing prompt.

  1. First, we will address any points of confusion from yesterday.
  2. Watch the part of the play that we read yesterday.
  3. We will read 2.190-2.230 together.
  4. In a group of three, read 2.232 - 2.310
    1. for page 710 write a 3 sentence paraphrase
    2. for page 711 write a 3 sentence paraphrase
    3. label a PoC
      1. Think of PoC as point of confusion, clarification, or concern.
        1. I don't understand...
        2. Is it really saying that...
        3. I am not sure what to think about...
  5. We will read 2.314-2.350 together
  6. In a group of two, read 2.353-2.397
    1. write a summary sentence for every ten lines (4 total)
    2. label a PoC
      1. Think of PoC as point of confusion, clarification, or concern.
        1. I don't understand...
        2. Is it really saying that...
        3. I am not sure what to think about...

  1.  None

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