Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Meme the Scene

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?
Learning Target: 
Daily Writing: Summarize the scene between Quince, Bottom, and the other actors.

  1. Meme the scene
    1. With a partner, you will find a meme that matches the lines between Theseus and Hippolyta. 1.1.1-19 Look for pictures with romantic longing. I will choose one meme at random. Two students will read the Theseus and Hippolyta lines.
    2. Now we will do a living meme or a tableaux vivant. We will arrange six students to match lines 1.1.20-127. We will need six parts: Egeus and the duke; Demetrius, Hermia, Lysander, and Helena. Other class members will read the lines.
    3. Now everyone will leave but Hermia and Lysander. All guys will read Lysander's lines and all the girls will read Hermia's lines, 1.1.130-142. Our Hermia and Lysander will read 1.1.158-181. What are they saying to each other?
  2. Establishing acting companies
    1. Like the rude mechanicals, each of you will be in an acting group.
      1. You need a name
      2. A regular place to practice
      3. A rotation order for directors
  3. Acting companies at work
    1. You will follow this procedure for reading a new scene
      1. round-robin reading to a period, semicolon, colon, or question mark
      2. circling words you don't know and agreeing on a definition
      3. paraphrasing hard-to-understand phrases into modern English
      4. making sense of the scene
    2. Try this procedure with 1.1.180-250. This should take around 20 minutes.
    3. Post your two best TQEs to the Padlet wall.
  1. MSND Act II vocabulary It is due by Sunday at 9 p.m. You will turn in a screenshot of your finished assignment on Google Classroom.

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