Friday, February 3, 2023


Big Idea: Who or what is in control?
Learning Target: 
Daily Writing: 

  1. If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
  2. Literary Analysis practice
    1. We will write a literary analysis of Helena's speech in Act I.
    2. In order to write this analysis, we will paraphrase her speech and then look for literary techniques.
    3. This first literary analysis essay will be done together.
    4. We will read Helena's soliloquy at 1.2.226-251. Our goal will be to paraphrase what she is saying.]
  3. Essay topic: Analyze Helena's complex analysis of love and attraction and what her message is as a whole.
    1. Body paragraph
      1. 2 topic sentences
      2. 5-6 sentences with evidence and analysis
      3. Connect your topic sentence to your evidence
  4. Fill in the Evidence of Control organizer
  5. Pyramus and Thisbe emoji annotation.
  1. Homework:
  1. MSND Act III vocabulary It is due by Sunday at 9 p.m. You will turn in a screenshot of your finished assignment on Google Classroom.


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