Wednesday, February 8, 2023


Big Idea: Who or what is in control?
Learning Target: 
Daily Writing: 

  1. If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
  2. Please fill out the reading progress form for this week.
  3. Join the class on
    1. ClassID: 37878637
    2. Code: brubaker4
  4. Continue working on your literary analysis project with a partner.
    1. The couple uses two metaphors to explain the message about love: a rough and winding path, and lightning. Choose the metaphor that best fits the message about love that you identify.
    2. Create a thesis statement using the sentence frame below:
      1. Lysander and Hermia complain that love is...and they use the metaphor effectively communicate this message.
    3. Begin writing the introduction for your partner essay. Each partner needs to write in a different color and you should alternate sentences.
      1. Go to Google Classroom and open MSND Sample Literary Analysis
        1. Start with your introduction. You can include your thesis statement first or last. In the sample, you have an example of each type of introduction.
        2. Your introduction should be exactly four sentences.
    4. Now write the body paragraph of your essay.
      1. Your body paragraph has three parts. The three parts are highlighted in different colors.
      2. The first identifies the Lysander and Hermia's message about love and the metaphor they use to communicate it. Why is this message important.
      3. The second part of the paragraph has evidence from the play along with your explanation. Make sure you quote the play at least twice. Include footnotes for your quotes from the play.
      4. The third part of the paragraph ties the message about love to your evidence. Why is the metaphor that Lysander and Hermia use a good choice to express their message?
  5. Read MSND 3.2.1-208
    1. Write your one sentence summaries for pages 66-78.
    2. Watch the stage version from 1:14 to 1:27
    3. Exit ticket
      1. What is Puck excited to show to Oberon?
      2. What does Hermia think happened to Lysander?
      3. How does Oberon respond to Puck's mistake?
      4. Now both men love Helena. How does this affect Helena and Hermia's friendship?
  1. Homework:
  1. MSND Act IV vocabulary It is due by Sunday at 9 p.m. You will turn in a screenshot of your finished assignment on Google Classroom.


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