Friday, August 30, 2024


Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

Nuance Academy: Prepositional Phrase

After today I should be able to:

Reading: finish one book by September 23rd; extra bonus if you finish two books.


  1. Discuss The Odyssey
    1. Odyssey vocabulary, books 8-13
    2. 10 demonstrative adjective phrases

    Thursday, August 29, 2024

    Generating Good Questions

    Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

    Nuance Academy: Adjective clause

    After today I should be able to:

    Reading: finish one book by September 23rd; extra bonus if you finish two books.


    1. Write a loose sentence. Then rewrite that sentence eight different ways for a total of nine sentences.
      1. Example 1: Thor suspected Loki of cutting of Sif's hair, and he spent the day investigating the crime.
        1. Independent Clause: Thor, the mighty god of thunder, suspected Loki of cutting off Sif's hair, and he spent the day investigating the crime.
        2. Adverb Clause: Because Thor suspected Loki of cutting off Sif's hair, he spent the day investigating the crime.
        3. Adverb: Suspiciously, Thor investigated the crime, believing Loki was the culprit.
        4. Present Participle: Suspecting Loki, Thor spent the day investigating the crime.
        5. Past Participle: Suspected of the crime, Loki was investigated by Thor.
        6. Prepositional Phrase: Throughout the day, Thor investigated the crime.
        7. Demonstrative Adjective: That crime was investigated by Thor, who suspected Loki.
        8. Adjective Clause (Appositive): Thor, the god of thunder, investigated the crime, suspecting Loki.
      2. Example 2: Odysseus explored the strange cave filled with goats, and he waited around to see who owned it.
        1. Independent Clause: Odysseus explored the strange cave filled with goats.
        2. Adverb Clause: As Odysseus explored the strange cave filled with goats, he waited around to see who owned it.
        3. Adverb: Curiously, Odysseus explored the strange cave and waited for the owner.
        4. Present Participle: Exploring the strange cave, Odysseus waited for the owner.
        5. Past Participle: Filled with curiosity, Odysseus explored the cave and waited.
        6. Prepositional Phrase: Inside the cave, Odysseus waited for the owner.
        7. Demonstrative Adjective: That cave was explored by Odysseus, who waited for the owner.
        8. Adjective Clause (Appositive): The cave, filled with goats, was explored by Odysseus, who waited for the owner.
    2. Connect to the list of ideas
      1. Create open ended questions based on one or more ideas from the list.
      1. Odyssey vocabulary, books 8-13
      2. 10 adjective clauses

      Wednesday, August 28, 2024

      I See Dead People

      Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

      Nuance Academy: Adjective clause

      After today I should be able to:

      Reading: finish one book by September 23rd; extra bonus if you finish two books.


      1. Write 10 sentences that start with an adjective clause (an appositive). 
        1. Start with a loose sentence. 
          1. Mr. White carefully planned the stages of his essay, and then he rewrote it. 
        2. Rewrite it starting with an adjective clause. Start with subject, then include a WHO or WHICH phrase. 
          1. Mr. White, WHO was known for meticulous preparation, carefully planned each stage of the essay. 
        3. Here are some more examples. You can use these ideas, but change them to make your own sentence. 
          1. Jane, who forgot her coat, pulled her sweater tighter around her. 
          2. Tom, who stayed up late studying, hoped he would pass the test. 
          3. The crystal vase, which sat on the table, sparkled beautifully in the light. 
          4. Mike, who was prone to seasonal allergies, reached for a tissue. 
          5. Sarah, who practiced for months, accepted the trophy for first place with pride. 
          6. The puppy, who loved going for walks, waited eagerly by the door with excitement. 
          7. The thick steaks, which were marinated in spices, filled the backyard with an amazing aroma as they sizzled on the grill. 
          8. The snake, which was hunting for prey, slithered silently through the grass across the yard. 
          9. The bus, which narrowly avoided an accident, screeched to a halt just in time.
      2. Read The Odyssey and describe the people he meets from the dead.
        1. Who is this person? What do we learn about his or her life? What does Odysseus learn from this person? Find an image. Include one quote from the text. Look up extra information about the person. Use the Oxford Classical Dictionary or Wikipedia
        2. Elpenor, 11.57
        3. Tiresias, 11.99-135; 
        4. Tiresias 11.136-169
        5. Mom 11.170-210; 
        6. Mom 11.211-245
        7. Agamemnon 11.436-470; 
        8. Agamemnon 11.471-492; 
        9. Agamemnon 11.493-527
        10. Achilles 11.528-553; 
        11. Achilles 11.554-600
        12. Epicaste 11.307-318
        13. Pause in the story, 11.378-410
        14. Pause in the story, 11.411-432
      3. Connect to the list of ideas
        1. Create open ended questions based on one or more ideas from the list.
        1. Odyssey vocabulary, books 8-13
        2. 10 adjective clauses

        Tuesday, August 27, 2024

        Comparing Odysseus to Loki

        Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

        Nuance Academy: Prepositional Phrase

        After today I should be able to:

        Reading: finish one book by September 23rd; extra bonus if you finish two books.


        1. Write ten sentences using a demonstrative adjective.
        2. Start with a loose sentence. 
          1. Mr. White carefully planned the stages of his essay, and then he rewrote it.
          2. Rewrite it starting with a demonstrative adjective. 
          3. Use this or that. 
            1. This essay shows Mr. White's careful planning. 
          4. The sentence will start with THIS or THAT and usually use the the verb IS or WAS.
          5. Here are some more examples. You can use these ideas, but change them to make your own sentence. 
            1. This morning I woke up early to go for a run before work. 
            2. That dog over there is really cute! I want to go pet it. 
            3. These shoes are so uncomfortable, I don't think I can wear them all day. 
            4. Those clouds look like they could produce some rain later today. 
            5. That movie we saw last night was absolutely hilarious. 
            6. These apples we picked from the orchard are so fresh and delicious. 
            7. Those people waiting in line have been there for over an hour already. 
            8. This assignment is taking me forever to complete. 
            9. Those flowers you bought me are beautiful! Thank you so much.
        3. Start at 9.321 and read until 9.488
          1. Each person read ten lines out loud. When you finish a page write down the steps for Odysseus's plan to get his men out of the Cyclops's cave.
            1. Odysseus and his men pray to Zeus for help.
            2. Odysseus decides to kill the Cyclops but realizes that he cannot roll away the stone from the door.
          1. Odyssey vocabulary, books 8-13
          2. 10 demonstrative adjective phrases

          Monday, August 26, 2024

          Odysseus and the Cyclops

          Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

          Nuance Academy: Prepositional Phrase

          After today I should be able to:

          Reading: finish one book by September 23rd; extra bonus if you finish two books.


          1. Present your Greek god/dess slides
          2. Start with a loose sentence. 
            1. Mr. White carefully planned the stages of his essay, and then he rewrote it. 
          3. Rewrite it starting with a prepositional phrase. 
            1. Before writing the essay, Mr. White carefully planned it. 
          4. Here are some more examples. You can use these ideas, but change them to make your own sentence. 
            1. After breakfast, I headed out the door to catch my train.
            2. Inside the house, the children were playing a noisy game of tag. 
            3. Above the clouds, the sky was a beautiful blue. 
            4. Behind the shed, the dog buried its bone. 
            5. Before school started, I finished all my homework. 
            6. Across the field, the cows were grazing quietly. 
            7. Below the surface, fish swam around the coral reef. 
            8. Among the trees, birds were singing happily. 
            9. Throughout the night, the crickets chirped loudly. 
            10. Around the block, kids rode their bikes fast.
          5. Start your new vocabulary list. It is linked in the homework section or on Google Classroom.
          6. Start at 9.321 and read until 9.488
            1. Each person read ten lines out loud. When you finish a page write down the steps for Odysseus's plan to get his men out of the Cyclops's cave.
              1. Odysseus and his men pray to Zeus for help.
              2. Odysseus decides to kill the Cyclops but realizes that he cannot roll away the stone from the door.
          1. Odyssey vocabulary, books 8-13
          2. 10 prepositional phrases

          Friday, August 23, 2024

          Partner Reading for the Odyssey

          Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

          Nuance Academy: Past Participle

          After today I should be able to: write a sentence with an independent clause and annotate a text.

          Reading: finish one book by September 5th


          1. Write 10 sentences that begin with a past participle phrase that tells what was happening BEFORE something else occurred.
            1. Start with a loose sentence.
              1. Mr. White carefully planned the stages of his essay, and then he rewrote it.
            2. Rewrite it beginning with a participle phrase.
              1. Worried about the approaching deadline, Mr. White began to plan his essay.
              2. Chased by the angry moose, the hikers scrambled to safety up a tree.
              3. Baked to perfection, the chocolate chip cookies melted in your mouth.
              4. Left unfinished on the easel, the artist's masterpiece remained a work in progress.
            3. Another way to think about this pattern is an imaginary if...then...
              1. If he worried about the approaching deadline, then Mr. White would plan his essay.
          2. Add notes to our Odyssey reading.
          3. Take time to read and get a head start for finishing the first section by Monday.
            1. Read out loud with a partner.

          1. Ten infinitive clauses
          2. Vocabulary BBoW C-D

          Thursday, August 22, 2024

          Starting the Odyssey

          Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

          Nuance Academy: Participle clause

          After today I should be able to: write a sentence with an participle clause and annotate a text.

          Reading: finish one book by September 23rd; extra bonus if you can finish two books.


          1. Add summary to notes. I will come around and check your lecture notes.
          2. What do you wish you would have said during yesterday's discussion?
          3. Work on Odyssey Hyperdoc.
          4. Begin reading The Odyssey.
          5. Write 10 sentences that begin with a present participle phrase that tells what was happening WHILE something else occurred.
            1. Start with a loose sentence.
              1. Mr. White carefully planned the stages of his essay, and then he rewrote it.
            2. Rewrite it beginning with a participle phrase.
              1. Carefully planning his essay, Mr. White reflected on the techniques he had developed during his career.
              2. Laughing hysterically at the comedian's joke, Amy spit out her soda through her nose.
              3. Bouncing excitedly in his seat, Ryan couldn't wait for the rollercoaster ride to start.
          Odyssey reading schedule:
          • Read the first section about the cyclops and annotate by Monday, 8/27
          • Read the second section about the land of the dead before Friday, 8/30
          • Class discussion Friday, 8/30

          1. Ten participle clauses
          2. Vocabulary BBoW C-D

          Wednesday, August 21, 2024

          Class Discussion

          Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

          Nuance Academy: None

          After today I should be able to: ask open ended questions in a discussion and respond to other student's open ended questions with evidence from the book.

          Reading: finish one book by September 5th


          1. Class discussion

          1. None
          2. Vocabulary BBoW C-D

          Tuesday, August 20, 2024

          Tracing themes

          Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

          Nuance Academy: Independent clause

          After today I should be able to: write a sentence with an independent clause and annotate a text.

          Reading: finish one book by September 5th


          1. Trace one theme throughout all of the Norse Mythology stories except one (bonus points if you can trace the idea through every story.)
          2. Finish lecture if needed.
          3. Write 10 sentences that begin with an adverb that tells how an action was done. 
            1. Start with a loose sentence. 
              1. Mr. White carefully planned the stages of his essay, and then he rewrote it. 
            2. Rewrite it beginning with an adverb. 
              1. Carefully, Mr. White planned the stages of his essay.
          1. Ten adverb sentences
          2. Vocabulary BBoW C-D

          Monday, August 19, 2024

          Myth and Epic Lecture

          Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

          Nuance Academy: Independent clause

          After today I should be able to: write a sentence with an independent clause and annotate a text.

          Reading: finish one book by September 5th


          1. Create your new vocabulary list using 15 words from the C-D list.
          2. Write three sets of four sentences
            1. Start with a loose sentence
            2. Rewrite it with an independent clause at the front.
            3. Rewrite it with an adverb at the front.
            4. Rewrite it with an infinitive at the front.
          3. Here are some examples:
            1. Set 1: The Weather
              1. Loose sentence: The rain fell steadily, and it soaked the parched earth and replenished the thirsty plants. 
              2. Independent clause at front: The rain fell steadily yesterday. 
              3. Adverb clause at front: After the rain fell steadily, the parched earth was soaked and the thirsty plants replenished. 
              4. Infinitive clause at front: To soak the parched earth and replenish the thirsty plants, the rain fell steadily. 
            2. Set 2: The Child 
              1. Loose sentence: The child laughed joyfully, and her eyes sparkled with delight as she chased the playful puppy. 
              2. Independent clause at front: The child laughed joyfully last night.
              3. Adverb clause at front: After she chased the playful puppy, the child laughed joyfully, her eyes sparkling with delight. 
              4. Infinitive clause at front: To chase the playful puppy, the child laughed joyfully, her eyes sparkling with delight. 
            3. Set 3: The Baker 
              1. Loose sentence: The baker kneaded the dough vigorously, and his strong arms flexed as he shaped the loaves.
              2. Independent clause at front: The baker kneaded the dough vigorously while shaping the loaves.
              3. Adverb clause at front: As he shaped the loaves, the baker kneaded the dough vigorously, his strong arms flexing. 
              4. Infinitive clause at front: To shape the loaves, the baker kneaded the dough vigorously, his strong arms flexing.
          4. Myth and Epic Lecture

          1. Ten infinitive clauses
          2. Vocabulary BBoW C-D

          Friday, August 16, 2024

          Asking good questions

          Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

          Nuance Academy: Independent clause

          After today I should be able to: write a sentence with an independent clause and annotate a text.

          Reading: finish one book by September 5th


          1. How to turn in Vocabulary Homework
          2. Odyssey Hyperdoc. Click on this link to get the instructions on how to complete the assignment. You can find the assignment in Google Classroom.
          3. Write 10 infinitive clauses.
            1. Start with an infinitive clause. An infinitive clause tells why the action of the verb occurs. Start with the infinitive clause and follow it with an independent clause.
              1. Loose sentence:
                1. Mr. White carefully planned the stages of his essay, and then he wrote it.
              2. Infinitive clause
                1. To write a good essay, Mr. White needed to plan carefully.
                2. Think about a goal that the subject has and then write what they need to do to achieve that goal.
                  1. Goal: to write a good essay
                  2. Action: Mr. White needed to plan carefully
          4. Generating good questions
            1. Ask as many questions as you can
            2. Do not stop to judge, discuss, or answer any questions
            3. Write down every question exactly as it was stated
            4. Change any statements into questions
            5. Close ended or open ended (C or O)
            6. Identify whether the open ended questions could be answered easily or would take a while to discuss? Would the answer require explanation, but the explanation would be short or not take much time.

          1. Ten infinitive clauses
          2. Vocabulary BBoW A-B

          Thursday, August 15, 2024

          Odyssey Hyperdoc

          Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

          Nuance Academy: Independent clause

          After today I should be able to: write a sentence with an independent clause and annotate a text.

          Reading: finish one book by September 5th


          1. Odyssey Hyperdoc. Click on this link to get the instructions on how to complete the assignment. You can find the assignment in Google Classroom.
          1. Ten adverb clauses
          2. Vocabulary BBoW A-B

          Wednesday, August 14, 2024

          Norse Mythology Day 2

          Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

          Nuance Academy: Independent clause

          After today I should be able to: write a sentence with an independent clause and annotate a text.

          Reading: finish one book by September 5th


          1. Write 10 adverb clauses.
            1. Start with an adverb clause. An adverb clause tells when or where the action of the verb occurs. Start with the adverb clause and follow it with an independent clause.
              1. Loose sentence
                1. Mr. White carefully planned the stages of his essay, and then he wrote it.
              2. Adverb clause
                1. Before he wrote the essay, Mr. White carefully planned it.
                2. When the clock struck midnight, the ball dropped and fireworks illuminated the sky.
                3. While I was waiting for the bus, I people-watched and enjoyed the morning sunshine.
                4. After finishing the marathon, she collapsed in relief.
          2. You need to finish reading and annotating the Norse Mythology reading by 8/21. We will have our first class discussion on that day.
          3. Compass activity
            1. Create a compass on your desk.
              1. North - what decisions has the character had to make so far?
              2. East - what actions has the character taken related to those decisions?
              3. South - what are the consequences of those actions?
              4. West - what life lessons is the reader supposed to learn?
          4. Annotations
            1. Contrasts and Contradictions
              1. A character thinks and behaves in a way that we don't expect. 
              2. An element of a setting is something we would not expect. 
                1. Question: Why did...How can this help us understand or predict...? 
            2. Patterns 
              1. A word is repeated again and again 
              2. An idea is repeated again and again (but with different words, i.e. war, battle, fighting, etc.)
              3. An image is repeated several times
                1. Question: Why is the author continually bringing up...?
          1. Ten adverb clauses
          2. Vocabulary BBoW A-B

          Tuesday, August 13, 2024

          Norse Mythology

          Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

          Nuance Academy: Independent clause

          After today I should be able to: write a sentence with an independent clause and annotate a text.

          Reading: finish one book by September 5th


          1. Write 10 sentences that begin with an independent clause. 
            1. Start with an independent clause. An independent clause has a subject, verb, and often a direct object. You can follow the independent clause with a modifying phrase.
              1. Loose sentence
                1. Mr. White carefully planned the stages of his essay, and then he wrote it.
              2. Independent clause
                1. Mr. White wrote the essay after carefully planning it.
          2. You need to finish reading and annotating the Norse Mythology reading by 8/21. We will have our first class discussion on that day.
          3. Annotations
            1. Contrasts and Contradictions
              1. A character thinks and behaves in a way that we don't expect. 
              2. An element of a setting is something we would not expect. 
                1. Question: Why did...How can this help us understand or predict...? 
            2. Patterns 
              1. A word is repeated again and again 
              2. An idea is repeated again and again (but with different words, i.e. war, battle, fighting, etc.)
              3. An image is repeated several times
                1. Question: Why is the author continually bringing up...?
          1. Ten loose sentences
          2. Vocabulary BBoW A-B

          Monday, August 12, 2024

          Getting Started

          Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

          Nuance Academy: 10 loose sentences

          After today I should be able to: find the agenda for this class and access Google Classroom.

          Reading: finish one book by September 5th


          1. Write 10 loose sentences. 
            1. String ideas together using and or but, and sometimes who, which, when, where and while.
              1. Example: Mr. White carefully planned the stages of his essay, and then he wrote it.
          2. Choose your first vocabulary list from the Big Book of Words. You must use 10 words from the letter A or B list. You will add these words to a list you create on You should finish your list by Sunday evening.21
          3. You need to finish reading and annotating the Norse Mythology reading by 8/21. We will have our first class discussion on that day.
          4. Annotations
            1. Contrasts and Contradictions
              1. A character thinks and behaves in a way that we don't expect. 
              2. An element of a setting is something we would not expect. 
                1. Question: Why did...How can this help us understand or predict...? 
            2. Patterns 
              1. A word is repeated again and again 
              2. An idea is repeated again and again (but with different words, i.e. war, battle, fighting, etc.)
              3. An image is repeated several times
                1. Question: Why is the author continually bringing up...?
          1. Ten loose sentences
          2. Vocabulary BBoW A-B

          Friday, August 9, 2024


          Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

          Nuance Academy: none

          After today I should be able to: find the agenda for this class and access Google Classroom.

          Reading: finish one book by September 5th


          1. Briefly go over the syllabus
          2. Why are you at BMCHS?
            1. Write a letter about your reasons for coming and what you hope to get out of being at the middle college.
              1. Be around students who care
              2. Smaller campus overall
              3. Smaller classes and better access to teacher support
            2. You should have three sections to your letter.
              1. Who I am and my experience at BHS
              2. Why I am at BMCHS
              3. What I hope to gain over the next three years
          1. None

          Thursday, August 8, 2024

          First Day

          Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

          Nuance Academy: none

          After today I should be able to: find the agenda for this class and access Google Classroom.

          Reading: finish one book by September 5th


          1. Find your seat and complete the activity on the board.
          2. First day of school slides
          3. Sign in to Google Classroom and bookmark the blog
          4. Briefly go over the syllabus
          5. Why are you at BMCHS?
            1. Write a letter about your reasons for coming and what you hope to get out of being at the middle college.
              1. Be around students who care
              2. Smaller campus overall
              3. Smaller classes and better access to teacher support
            2. You should have three sections to your letter.
              1. Who I am and my experience at BHS
              2. Why I am at BMCHS
              3. What I hope to gain over the next three years
          1. None