Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Creon and Teiresias

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: 

Reading: You are currently reading a book of your choice. It should be done by the second week of December.


  1. Watch the first part of the play.
  2. With your reading group
    1. Read with your group lines 376-595. 
    2. Write a one-sentence summary of what happened on that page. Focus on getting the gist of the action.
  3. The main character in a Greek tragedy is supposed to be good but not too good. How could Oedipus fit this description?
    1. What makes him good?
    2. What are his minor faults that make him not too good?
    3. Why would Greek tragedy have a main character that is like this?
  4. With your reading group
    1. Read with your group lines 596-816. 
    2. Write a one-sentence summary of what happened on that page. Focus on getting the gist of the action.

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