Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Practicing Writing Commentary

Big Idea: What does it mean to be human?

After today I should be able to: 

Reading: You are currently reading a book of your choice. It should be done by the second week of December.


  1. Write a four sentence paragraph
    1. The priest says, "These children and myself now sit here by your home, not because we think you’re equal to the gods. No. We judge you the first of men in what happens in this life and in our interactions with the gods."
    2. Two sentence intro
    3. This evidence demonstrates...
    4. Consequently, if... 
    5. Therefore, due to the fact that...
    6. Example
      1. Oedipus's leadership is defined by his profound sense of personal responsibility and his deep empathy for collective suffering. At the beginning of the play, Oedipus demonstrates concern for his people by addressing the plague that is devastating the city. This is evident when he says, "Your agony comes to each one of you as his alone, a special pain for him and no one else. But the soul inside me sorrows for myself, and for the city, and for you—all together." This evidence demonstrates that Oedipus experiences a compounded burden, as his pain is not only individual but also intertwined with the suffering of his city. Consequently, if his soul feels sorrow for all, it underscores his role as a leader whose fate is inseparable from that of his people. Therefore, due to the fact that Oedipus internalizes both personal and communal anguish, his character embodies the complexities of leadership, where personal and public struggles are deeply intertwined.

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